PPCD Members: illinois
Liz is an ISR parent of 2, a certified ISR instructor, and the Founder of the CAST Foundation. The Huber family’s experience with ISR goes well beyond the benefits of drowning prevention. "Our family spends a lot of time around water and it was important to me that my own kids learned how to swim at a very early age." Her family found ISR and are forever grateful for the education and skills her children learned. "In an effort to allow other families to experience our love and respect for ISR, I chose to go through the intensive training to become a Certified ISR Instructor." She then founded CAST Water Safety Foundation which provides scholarships for ISR swim lessons to children, as well as assists with the costs associated with becoming an ISR instructor.
Halle Quezada: Team Member PPCD
Halle is a bilingual (Spanish/English) Chicago Public School teacher and mom if two boys ages 4 and 2. Before teaching, she was an EMT on a 911 ambulance in Houston’s busiest district. Her husband was a firefighter and rescue diver for 12 years in central Mexico before they moved to Chicago.
On July 6th, 2018, Halle was on a Chicago beach with her family when two young girls were swept out in Lake Michigan by a structural current. Halle assisted on of the girls, recently rescued by an off-duty open water lifeguard, while the other child submerged and passed. Struck by how remarkably preventable the incident was, Halle started a petition pushing the City of Chicago to start a Water Safety Task Force and address the lack of safety precautions for a known hazard on a public park—the water. She serves on the task force and continues to advocate for raised awareness of the real truth about drowning. She is grateful for all the grieving families working so hard for other people’s kids.