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PPCD Members: Indiana

Andrew Griesmer Senior 2019 216-2.jpg

Sharil Griesmer

My name is Sharil Griesemer. I'm from Martinsville Indiana. I'm a wife, mom of 2 boys, and a Cosmetologist. This mission means so much to me because of my sons non fatal drowning when he was 4 years old. My mission is #notonemoredrowning.


In 2005 my son had a non fatal drowning. He was on a field trip with a well know organization. They were at a public pool and my son slipped away from a camp counselor. He was 4 years old. He was found (and pulled out of the water by a 14 year old boy) unresponsive,  at the bottom of the 3 ft section of pool. He was unconscious with no pluse and was given CPR. He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital where his left side remained unresponsive for several hours. 


Today he is a happy healthy 17 year old boy with no lasting neurologic effect besides mild ADD. 


We have been so very blessed with his outcome. It was truly a miracle that he survived and with no neurological problems. 

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