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"I always thought, 'hey, I’m that mom it isn’t going to happen to'"

Writer's picture: PPCDPPCD

Updated: Oct 28, 2018

Sent to us by Amanda in Kannapolis, NC:

"My children had not had any lessons at that time. You see I never really heard about kids drowning, I always thought hey I’m at that mom it isn’t going to happen to. Guess what, I was completely wrong, it happened to me...a person who works in the medical field one that helps save lives every day. Please I ask to each and every person hearing my story......know the importance of swim lessons, know the importance of water safety, know CPR."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water, laughter, cooking on the grill, sunscreen...those are what first come to my mind when I think of summer. As a child and now even as an adult I couldn’t wait to get into that pool and have an amazing time, that was until June 5, 2016 at 5:35 pm. You see that’s the day my world completely stopped. I thought I had done everything right to make sure my child was safe in a friends pool. Water safety device, an adult in the pool, adult at the grill. Let me set the situation for just one moment. The friend and I had just gotten back from the grocery store. As soon as we walked in the door the kids were beyond ready to get in the pool. Since it was getting late I decided I would stay in and fix sides for dinner and the other mom would get in the water. My husband had went to move our car for someone that was leaving, kids were in the pool all except my son. Her husband was at the grill, I finished up the sides and looked up to check on everyone. Another child was getting out of the daughter was having the time of her life. I turned to fix drinks. In those 2- 2 1/2 minutes my life would forever change. I walked a few feet outside to find her in a 7 year olds arms. No adult had noticed, the child looked in shock. I screamed a scream I hope and pray no other mom screams. I ran, grabbed her...she was lifeless, her color was blue, purple. I dropped to my knees and began CPR, water pouring out....over 5 minutes of trying to get her back, she began to have a faint pulse. The sirens, the ambulance ride, the arrival to the ER, seizures, life support, being rushed to Levine’s children hospital into the PICU. Let’s take us now to the present, I have a vibrant beautiful loving 7 year old little girl. One that on the outside looks like what other’s call normal. God spared my baby, he allowed me another chance with my precious child. We now have PVL that was not discovered at childbirth, the brain bleed has worsened, epilepsy, non traumatic brain injury, apraxia, impulse control issues, ADHD, cognitive disorder, asthma, and general weakness at times on her left side. Wow, saying that is so much, but you know what, it could be a lot worse or I couldn’t have her at all. I live this day over and over every day in my mind. I have the worst anxiety around water, I have nightmares and I don’t trust anyone with my children. The three things I would change about that day: be in the pool myself in that moment, remove the other children from the scene that day when CPR was being performed, swim lessons. I believe it is so important to know how to swim. No matter what age...teach your children, take them to swim lessons. My children had not had any lessons at that time. You see I never really heard about kids drowning, I always thought hey I’m at that mom it isn’t going to happen to. Guess what, I was completely wrong, it happened to me...a person who works in the medical field one that helps save lives every day. Please I ask to each and every person hearing my story......know the importance of swim lessons, know the importance of water safety, know CPR. Amanda

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