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PPCD Members: South carolina

Brayden close up.jpg

My name is Michelle Zieg. We share our story in hopes that it does not become your story.  In June of 2008 our 17 month old son, Brayden, slipped out the back door with his 3 year old brother unnoticed.   This gave them full access to our unprotected backyard pool. In the mere moments they were missing, Brayden drowned.  There were no signs of trouble, no splashing, yelling or screams for help.


We had taken the time to research safety measures... but hadn’t gotten around to putting anything in place. 


My husband Jacob and I lost our son that day. We have since learned that drowning is not only the #1 cause of unintentional death for children ages 1-4, #2 up to age 14; but drowning is also 100% preventable.  We started Because of B.R.A.Y.D.E.N. because our desire is to educate families on the simple steps they need to take to be safer around water. By putting layers of protection in place we can save lives and change the statistics around drowning.  Learn how to swim and put your children in lessons early.  Become certified in CPR. Pledge to be an active Water Guardian, giving undivided attention to children in or around water. Put up a pool fence, window and door alarms and other barriers that block access to water. Use coast guard approved life vests.

Remember that Drowning is FAST and SILENT.  It knows no season, no age/race/economic status.  Drowning does not discriminate and can happen to anyone.  Don’t think it will never happen to you... we did. Don’t wait to protect your loved ones.

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